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2020 Survival Guide: Planning for the Holidays in a Year of Adaptation

By: Amanda Ross | September 30, 2020 | 2 Min Read

Yes, it’s almost 2021! But it can’t come fast enough…

2020 is the year of challenges, new technology, and reflection. New emerging technology, brick-and-mortar stores frantically trying to turn digital, moving trade shows onto digital platforms…so much of 2020 has pushed the boundaries on where we are in the world, especially in retail.

One of the most interesting and recent examples of websites unable to handle this overflow was when a new console launched, and the overwhelming pre-sales caused a large e-commerce website to crash. It happened due to demand, but it could have been avoided. For you, this is where you can make their failures a learning opportunity.

There is no such thing as “Cyber Monday” anymore. It has to evolve into “Cyber Weekend.” At least, we hope, just for 2020, right? To deny the push to the online shopping world, really is to deny change. I know, change is scary, but it is necessary.

This year forces us to be different. It requires a push forward to stand out among the rest of the flowers in the field. I know, you’re probably staring at me like a goldfish. But, it all comes down to focusing on one thing: the right imagery.

Holiday shoppers will demand efficiency, speed, and quality. If your site can’t handle the traffic, loading products quickly, and ensuring that product views are satisfactory, then we have to have a talk.

Now, more than ever, it is important to adjust to the new buying and selling needs of 2020. And, it is critical to adapt to new and uncharted consumer behaviors.

What will make or break your website this holiday season? Ensuring that images don’t fail or take forever to load. Website developers can only do so much to help. Sometimes even the experts need additional tools.

As for your customers, they need to feel individualized, not only with selections personally tailored to them, but customized correctly. With the right tools, data, and a little bit of magic, you can succeed where other sites have failed.

This holiday season will be unlike any other before it. As it creeps closer day-by-day, small successes can be achieved. Those successes delivered now will pave the way for accomplishing much larger brand goals in the future.

The steps outlined here can sound daunting and time-consuming, but they don’t have to be. You just have to know where to look for help.

So let’s set the bar high, seek out new goals, and work on this together. This year has forced us all to adapt, but we can still thrive. The best way to accomplish success is if we work as one.

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