LiquidPixels Blog: Industry Insights from the Dynamic Imaging Experts

The Hard Truth of Image Optimization

Written by Amanda Ross | January 14, 2020

The Hard Truth of Image Optimization

By: Amanda Ross | January 14, 2020 | 1 Min Read

True image optimization is only achievable with LiquiFire Resolve

You can guess, or you can be absolutely sure: LiquiFire® Resolve™ is the only one way to display images quickly, clearly, optimally—on any device.

Your CDN provider can guess when it comes to serving images on your website, but LiquidPixels knows the best way to present your images. We do it through intelligent software, built specifically for image optimization.

Because they are in the middle of your web traffic, CDN providers can see which browsers make requests to your site. But they can only estimate how to best serve images, which is not a complete solution. In reality, they are just guessing. They don’t know about your web page design, they don’t know about your user’s behavior, and they don’t know about your product images. It’s not true optimal image delivery to your customers based on their unique devices. The only thing CDNs are doing is making your file size smaller. “Ok,” you are probably thinking, “that’s all I need.” But it isn’t. All you’re doing is applying a bandage and hoping the bleeding stops.

We don’t offer a bandage; we provide a complete solution. Working intelligently with your website, LiquiFire Resolve automatically identifies device display capabilities and optimizes image presentation without universally increasing bandwidth. With features like automatic lazy-loading, browser-specific format selection, and context-aware compression, website images are dynamically optimized on demand, without any human intervention or the need for a large, duplicative image library.

Our robust software is able to intelligently calculate the optimal size for every screen and device without slowing down your back-end processes. No guessing, no estimating, no head scratching.

Just imagine the time saved on your design team. Gone are the days of creating and exporting every image size on the planet. And, you are assured that each image you need to render is optimal and correct.

Not convinced? Then let us prove it to you by optimizing your website with us. Try out our free website performance test and see for yourself:

For additional information on LiquiFire Resolve, read the data sheet here: