LiquidPixels Blog: Industry Insights from the Dynamic Imaging Experts

When Communication Becomes White Noise

Written by Amanda Ross | February 10, 2022

When Communication Becomes White Noise

By: Amanda Ross | February 10, 2022 | 5 Min Read

The advancements of technology have been a great social achievement; not only for consumers, but also for businesses.

We get emails at 9:00 p.m. about the latest in apparel trends, what new restaurants our delivery apps have, appointment reminders for the next day, and so much more.

But, there’s a dark side to how amazing this all is; over communication.

I personally enjoy the emails reminding me when I have to bring my dog to the vet or when I am overdue for an oil change. But as a consumer, I’ve noticed there has been an influx of just how many emails I get in a day.

When I shop at a store I like (pre-pandemic) or I find a new one, I usually subscribe to their email lists, hoping to score some coupons and notifications about early sales.

But since the pandemic began, I often haven’t left my house, perpetuating how much more I now shop online. It’s great because I can save gas and time, and I can freely open an app or website to browse whenever I want.

Yet I’m finding that there are a great many retailers that are emailing me so many times in one day, it makes me not want to shop their brand at all.

So why is that?

It’s because they don’t have personalized dynamic emails.

As simple as the solution appears to be, it comes down to a business organizing their email base, creating the right workflow and re-marketing campaigns, and understanding the needs of their customers.

For example, if I just purchased a product, then receive an email trying to sell me the same thing imploring, “This is something you need!” I have to wonder, “Well, yes. Duh, I just bought that.” To me, this is a failure of email marketing.

But for those companies who only market to me once, maybe a few times a week, with tailored products based on either past purchases or things I have “liked” on their app or website, it makes me far more inclined to purchase.

Now I know that tailoring the lists and marketing through these channels is time consuming. The ROI must be worth it. If you’re a retailer, and not sure why people opt out or buy less after you market to them, this is the sign you’ve been looking for.

My suggestion is to invest in the right kinds of marketing, including: delivering the right message, the right imagery, and doing it at the right time.

Nimah Elizabeth Ellington Drew & Sebastian
Boats on vacation Goes to spa on vacation Hangs by the pool on vacation Vacationed at the resort for their Honeymoon
Typically vacations in July Vacations every other month Vacations every other year Vacations every other year
Offer early bird pricing Offer a coupon for a free service Offer early bird pricing Offer a romantic booking deal

Consider the above—beginning with one email template and your customer data, you can send personalized emails directly to your recipients without creating unique emails per individual. Data from left to right.

You may be wondering “What am I supposed to do now?”

Well this part seems daunting, but it really comes down to gathering data from your customers, encouraging them to add their wish list ideas, and making their experience valuable. I want you to tell me why I want that new black sweater based on my “loved items” lists. Please show me what I should buy my mom based on the purchases I made around that time last year. Or inform me if I ran out of rose scented soaps from two weeks ago.

There’s a lot of data that is readily available and easy to acquire if you know where to look and how to collect it. Automate your list segmentation based on data you already collect. This customer data is incredibly valuable and has an abundance of benefits to the retail world.

“I’ve got my data, but now there are so many images I have to make...”

I know I am making this hard on you, but I promise, it gets easier. We all know there are wizards and witches out there who are masters at Photoshop, but even they have limits. The benefits to this not-so-new technology that I have been able to utilize during my time at LiquidPixels makes the workflow so much faster than I ever imagined.

Using just one master imagery asset, you are able to alter the HTML and have an image update automatically—and it is amazing. The best part is that you can set it up directly in your CRM and/or your email automation platform. It uses any and all data that you have access to. We have guides on how to implement our technology in Constant Contact®, HubSpot®, and Mailchimp®. But any platform that allows you to access your data with a token can utilize Real Time Inbox™ with LiquiFire® OS.

Emails sent to your customers can be tailored on an individual basis based on the data you have about them. All you need to do is create one email. Yes. You read that right. Just one email and you can customize the imagery and content simply with the data you have in your CRM. That is the magic of Real Time Inbox. Prepare your email to utilize your data, and it will dynamically render at the moment the recipient opens the email.

Increased engagement, happier customers, happier you.

“Yes email, you’re right! I do need that new sweater based on my past purchases. How did you know?” That’s what I would be saying to myself if I were to open an email with images based on my interests. And I can only imagine your customers would be saying the same thing.

Instead of sending 30 emails in a week to your email marketing lists, try sending just a few personalized messages. I bet you will see an increase open rate and click rate, and certainly an increase in your purchase rate from email. Your recipients will be pleased to have fewer emails in their inbox, and very happy to see content personalized just for them.