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dynamic imaging myths

6 Common Visualization Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

By: LiquidPixels | April 26, 2023 | 8 Min Read

Imagery is crucial for customer engagement.

Imagery is vital to catching and maintaining customer attention. The human brain transmits images 60,000 times faster than text, and 90% of quick information sent to the brain is visual.

Daily, consumers process hundreds to thousands of images throughout all aspects of their life. There are more than 750 billion images on the internet. More than 136 billion of these images are on Google Images, and millions more are contained on stock photo websites, including Shutterstock having 384 million images alone.

But the typical consumer primarily shares and consumes images on social media:

Social media is mission critical to most e-commerce businesses. Your ads must be optimized for each platform if you hope to stand out from the onslaught of competing visuals. How do you create appealing ads in this sea of visual noise?

How can this information can be leveraged into sales? 41% of US shoppers ranked quality images and product descriptions as two of the top-three reason for choosing where to shop online. But image quality matters, too: 30% of US shoppers will not purchase if product images are missing or of low quality.

Today, rich product content helps pique customers’ interest. According to Salsify, this means “product information and visuals that are more relevant, engaging, and evocative,” including the use of high-quality and interactive images.

Interactive images allow consumers to explore your products in ways similar to the in-store experience. High-fidelity imagery responds to customers’ demands, who want a “clear, accurate image” of the item they are purchasing. An image is considered interactive if it is able to visualize unique product customization and personalization through real-time image manipulation for consumers. But it can also allow consumers to see details up close through interactions that may include 3D, zoom-and-pan, or 360º spins.

For every business, imagery has become a crucial aspect of meeting the changing demands of consumers. Because low-quality, static images no longer entice customers, businesses need dynamic visualization tools.

The right visualization can provide the tools to create these engaging and interactive images. But despite its benefits, there are still myths and misconceptions about visualization technology. In this blog, we have pulled together the most common myths to debunk misconceptions and highlight how dynamic visualization can help your business grow.

Visualization Myths vs. Facts

Numerous visualization myths prevent businesses from utilizing this advanced imaging technology and reaping its benefits. Let us delve deeper into six myths and uncover the truth behind them:

1. Myth: Dynamic Visualization is only tailored to specific industries.


Visualization can help companies from any industry—apparel, jewelry, automotive, industrial manufacturing, and dozens more.

  • Jewelry companies can provide customers with real-time customizations, including stone shapes and designs, colorization, and engraving previews.
  • Apparel businesses can improve their omnichannel strategies and realistically present products in various fabrics and patterns.
  • Businesses offering personalized clothing or uniforms can show customers detailed and realistic outputs on demand, such as embroidered labels or logos.
  • Designers can take advantage of offloading repetitive production imaging tasks so they can focus on creating new ideas and designs for the business.
  • Companies in the industrial industry ​​can present three-dimensional versions of their plant locations and machines.
  • Car makers can create a virtual showroom of their automotive lineup and present each vehicle in a customizable interactive 360º view.
  • Companies who focus on providing promotional product solutions for other businesses can easily represent various color combinations and logo composites to all of their offerings in real-time.

LiquidPixels-Myths-and-Misconceptions-Blog-2022Every industry can benefit from using dynamic visualizations for their e-commerce, marketing, or website optimization efforts. Contact the LiquidPixels Sales team to inquire about a personalized demo utilizing your assets. Or, explore our demos.

TL;DR: False, dynamic visualizations can always help. With tools for every kind of visualization need, LiquiFire Platform benefits any business utilizing imagery.

2. Myth: Dynamic visualizations only benefits those with customized products.

Facts: LiquidPixels-Myths-and-Misconceptions-Blog-2-2022

There are two ways to categorize dynamic visualizations: advanced imaging and production imaging. Businesses can leverage one or both advanced imaging and production imaging to create powerful imagery that delivers the exact CX customers expect.

Advanced imaging focuses on the customization of products, while production imaging focuses on the automated delivery and quality of images.

This exemplifies that dynamic visualizations can be used for imaging tasks that benefit any business who uses imagery—whether for a website, for products, for marketing, or for manufacturing.

To further elaborate, production imaging tools automatically optimize the delivery and file size of an image for each unique requirement of each device and viewing container. These tools also provide brands a way to create a responsive website design with minimal impact on resources. Compared to static images, dynamic images allow customers to fully view any image and have the ability to zoom into details, patterns, and textures.

TL;DR: False, dynamic visualizations can be used to create on demand customization of products, as well as automatic website optimization. Think of dynamic visualizations as the ultimate way to present any image.

3. Myth: Brick-and-mortar stores do not need dynamic visualizations.


Brick-and-mortar stores have many uses for dynamic visualizations. According to a 2022 Salsify study, for brands to thrive, they must be able to deliver “high-quality product information to every touchpoint.”

In addition, among U.S. shoppers, 58% compare prices online, and more than one-third of them use their mobile phones in brick-and-mortar stores. This means brick-and-mortar stores must be able to adapt to changing customer behavior, such as being present online to engage customers. Brands can start leveraging digital means of communicating to customers by creating personalized email campaigns for a brand marketing campaign.


Businesses can also use dynamic visualizations in-store. For example, it can be used at in-store kiosks where customers can explore products while waiting to be attended to. Additionally, a bespoke business can allow a customer to design in real-time a custom jewelry or apparel piece and have the ability to see their customizations before committing. For customers, this means having the ability to visualize their order on demand, which translates into a positive customer experience.

TL;DR: False, dynamic vizualizations can be used online, in merchandising, in marketing, and in-store. Businesses can leverage the features of the LiquiFire Platform to strengthen their omnichannel strategies.

4. Myth: Dynamic vizualizations can slow down websites.


Dynamic visualizations does the opposite; on average dynamic visualizations increases page load speed by 87%.

While it may be true that large image sizes can slow down page load speeds, this is one of the many misconceptions about dynamic visualizations. By using dynamic visualization solutions, businesses will have the tools to compress images to avoid the slow loading of websites intelligently while presenting the highest quality of image.

Through the content delivery network (CDN) data capture of the target device, LiquiFire® Operating System (OS) automatically renders an image that self-adjusts for both transfer speed and image quality. This results in a broad spectrum where compression levels can fluctuate to accommodate network speeds.

It delivers optimal images on any device without the need for more bandwidth and automatically sets an appropriate image format and compression ratio based on the end-user’s device. On average, LiquiFire Platform renders imagery in under 3 seconds.

TL;DR: False, dynamic visualization actually does the opposite. Images are optimized in their ideal size and format automatically improving page load speeds.

5. Myth: Dynamic visualizations are time-consuming and hard to implement. 


Contrary to this dynamic visualization myth, this imaging technology is easy to implement. It provides businesses with an array of tools to craft any image quickly, reducing time-to-market products.

One example of this is Threadless, a business that empowers artists to sell their art on a variety of products—apparel, accessories, home décor, and footwear. They adopted the LiquiFire Platform and have dramatically enabled their artist community to generate hundreds of thousands of highly complicated, lifelike preview images on the fly.

Using dynamic visualizations is not time-consuming. It automates repetitive tasks and improves workflows. LiquiFire Platform allows businesses to create images in various sizes and formats instantaneously, without manual intervention. It provides image optimization, automatic resizing, and image delivery, and utilizes intuitive automation, not artificial enlargements. In effect, it allows businesses to automate time-consuming work and help increase sales, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty.


For example, World of Beer and Kitchen, an American craft beer tavern chain, experienced marketing success by using dynamic images on social media.

TL;DR: False, dynamic visualizations can automate time-consuming imaging tasks without manual intervention.

6. Myth: Traditional product photography is cheaper.


Photography rates can start at USD 100 per hour or USD 250 per product. Meanwhile, the businesses who decide to take the DIY route, can spend up to USD 1,000 for equipment alone. With dynamic visualizations, businesses can streamline their photography needs, capture one base image, then build the entire product catalogue by digitally recreating all variations. The result: the rendered image maintains product consistency, and the brands and product photographers save time.


LiquiFire dynamic visualization solutions also support over 100 image types and fonts.

TL;DR: False, LiquiFire Platform streamlines your photography needs by only requiring a single base image in order to create any number of variations.

LiquidPixels: Your Best Partner for Dynamic Visualizations

Dynamic visualizations can help transform any business’s entire customer experience through high-quality, immersive, and responsive images. LiquidPixels LiquiFire Platform is the solution that will unify and streamline your entire workflow.

LiquiFire Platform is a cost-effective solution that allows businesses to provide on demand customization and personalization to customers, both through in-store and online shopping.

Dynamic visualizations empowers businesses from any industry to present their products or services in an engaging way without consuming resources from your marketing and design teams. Through intelligent automation, businesses are able to increase their speed-to-market, improve workflows, and increase engagement from customers.

Now that we have hopefully answered some of your doubts about dynamic visualizations, begin to imagine all of the possibilities this solution has to offer your business. To reap the benefits of immersive, responsive imaging, such as improved customer experience and revenues, deploy LiquiFire Platform now.

Contact us to learn more.